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Cooking a meal in foil on hot coals

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Cooking a meal in foil on hot coals Empty Cooking a meal in foil on hot coals

Post by mistral Wed Jun 16, 2010 12:59 am

Next Monday afternoon I need to teach my Cub Scouts how to light a fire, and then let them cook something in the coals.
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Some of them need to cook a meal in foil. Now, I know how to make the best foil package for cooking in that doesn't leak, and we did a meat and veges meal last November, but I would like to let them cook something different.
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Does anyone have any ideas? Please, not spuds. Also, my cooking time is very limited, so something that will take no more than 30 mins to cook. I aim to prepare at home, and bring already wrapped and ready to cook. I have easy access to loads of sausages, some dehydrated peas and beans, herbs and spices. Anything else I'll need to purchase.

I have 3 dessert ideas: damper (Cub request), cake mix in a hollowed out orange, and bananas stuffed with choc pieces and mini-marshmallows.
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Join date : 2010-05-16
Age : 54
Location : Newman

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Cooking a meal in foil on hot coals Empty Re: Cooking a meal in foil on hot coals

Post by Maverick Wed Jun 23, 2010 5:34 pm

Get a chicken Maryland and put in the foil, with some lemon and thyme (and maybe a "dob" of butter" ) depending on how fatty the chook is, wrap them up well and dig a hole place some coals in the bottom of the hole and put the chicken on top , put about 1 inch of sand on top of the chicken and then some more coals then cover the coals with some more sand , 15 to 25 mins depending on how "hot" the coals are will se it sweet and tender, I would recommend a dense wood so it keeps the heat in longer and the cooking time down.


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Cooking a meal in foil on hot coals Empty Re: Cooking a meal in foil on hot coals

Post by mistral Thu Jul 01, 2010 1:05 am

Thank you very much, that is a delightful recipe and very useful. The Cubs are fascinated to find out you can have proper meals with a cooking fire, not just sausages. And, more importantly, they've learned the difference between a bonfire and a cooking fire - and that Scouts don't have bonfires.

Posts : 48
Join date : 2010-05-16
Age : 54
Location : Newman

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